Yeah - gotta love those toesies~ I had a blast photographing this fun family who lives on a lake about 20 minutes north of our city. I had never met them before the shoot, but couldn't help but be excited just from K's emails. Her enthusiasm was contagious!

I was telling my husband that the thing I love most about photographing people is capturing those candid moments - the ones where if you blink, they are gone! You know, relationships. I think we captured some great moments, and I HOPE they love these. Thanks K!
And what's the other news? Well, I was just called as our new ward Relief Society President. Shock? Yes... yes yes yes. Aren't I too (ahem) young and inexperienced to be the Relief Society President of the largest ward in 2 and 1/2 provinces (over 600 members). I've spent the last couple of weeks just reeling inside. Doing too much thinking, really. Thinking about all the many ways I could possibly fail, fall on my face. Thankfully, I have amazing counselors and a great secretary who will keep me on track and help me get to know the sisters better. I've only lived here for 6 months, so it's daunting to be, in effect, put in charge of their welfare! I do love the sisters here, though. I've been impressed by their faith, their love of the Savior and of each other, and their willingness to reach out to anyone new. I felt very loved and accepted from the first moment I moved here, so I hope to carry that on in this new capacity. I feel blessed to serve in this way, as overwhelming as it feels right now, and look forward to growing a LOT.
I felt such a huge outpouring of love and support from the sisters in the ward today. They gathered around me, saying "congratulations" and other words of encouragement. There were even some sisters who said they were excited about it! I was worried, to be honest, about what the sisters might think about it - if they thought anything. I mean, who is this chick from Alberta - not even here for 6 months, and now she's the Relief Society president? What the heck? I did not seek out the call, but it came nonetheless, and I was pleasantly surprised to feel the love and support from the women I'll be serving. It put my mind at ease.
For any of my reader(s) who aren't aquainted with our church, the Relief Society is an organization consisting of the women of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints ages 18 years and older. The primary purpose of the Relief Society is to bring women and families to Christ, through righteous service and charity. The Objectives of Relief Society are (as taken from the Church website):
Both individually and collectively sisters of Relief Society make a difference in these six ways:
- Build faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and teach the doctrines of the kingdom
- Emphasize the divine worth of each sister
- Exercise charity and nurture those in need
- Strengthen and protect families
- Serve and support each sister
- Help sisters become full participants in the blessings of the priesthood
These are the objectives of Relief Society. They show the vastness of its purpose and the breadth of its mission, and they define the sisters, setting them apart from all other associations.
It will mean many, many meetings, much service, and really getting to know the women around me on a personal level. It is stepping outside of my comfort zone in many ways, but that's what's great about it! So, it is quite an undertaking, but I am certain that I can be an instrument in the hands of the Lord in blessing the lives of the sisters in our ward, with the Relief Society presidency and board members. I'm getting more excited and less afraid as each day passes. Wish me luck!
Love the pics Bobbi & the vintage one is fantastic - nice change.
Congratulations on your Presidency!!!
I love the pics. I love that vintage look and have been trying hard to find a way or anyone that sells actions for those of us using Elements...if you know anything, will you let me know?!
Congrats on your new calling. I can only imagine the stress I would feel with such a large responsibility. But just 'getting to know you' through your blog I think you will do an amazing job and it seems you have a way of reaching out to people and connecting with them. So there is no doubt that many sisters will be touched by your service in so many different ways.
♡ LOVE LOVE LOVE the photos you did such a great job! Love the vintage look too!
Good luck with your new calling! You'll do a wonderful job! :)
Congratulations! What a great calling for you! You are so talented adn filled with so much love. I am so excited for you! You will do a great job. But I can only imagine the stress you are about to be faced off with! Oy- I am glad its not me. But if anyone can do it---- you totally can! How exciting.
Congratulations!!!! See! There is another reason for moving there and for ALL those trials BEFORE you got there. "Refiner's fire". Remember that.
You passed the tests. You are now being "glazed". You are awesome Bobbi and will do great.
Love ya' Want to just vent or ask for anything (other than for more RS forms...LOL!) I am still here for you.
I loved your photos you took for that family! Beautiful :) And Congrats on your new Calling! You WILL DO AMAZING!!! I have faith in you too. Just remember that you have the "upper" hand, even if you have only lived there in under 6 months. Being NEW in a Ward or Area can sometimes also mean, that you are able to bring in a fresh approach. The Lord knows all for a reason!
you are good enough, you are strong enough and gosh darn it people like you!!! congrats oon your new calling. you will do awesome! love ya!
Congrats on the new calling! You will do so good. And those photos are great :)
That would blow me over! Both my man and I agree that you are going to do amazingly at this new calling!
You've got to read Carlos Amando's talk from conference entitled: Service, a Divine Quality. He states in there, "Those who serve will accept their assignments with humility, recognizing their limitations but convinced that two people can do all things they propose to do as long as one of the two people is God." You are that to a T girl, and will do great because you will rely on God's help!
Congrats...and great pictures BTW.
Great photos! Amen to what everyone else said too. The Lord knows all and we just have to have the Faith and trust that he knows what is suppose to happen. Congrats.
Congrats? on the calling. You'll be fantastic.
And love the photos. You make me want my pictures taken.
You are SO BRAVE!!! You'll be amazing.
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