So, what have we been up to? A few things! First - let's talk THE HUNGER GAMES~!
My oldest dd read the first book with her school class (I had read it a few years ago) and loved it, so we knew we had to see the movie once it hit theaters. We made it a date with TJ and also with B, who is getting old enough to appreciate this kind of thing, too! We bought tickets to the matinee on Saturday, showed up early, got some fun snacks, bought some fun mementos (Mockingjay necklace and bracelets), got the BEST seats, and settled in for the show:
The price of getting the BEST seats, is having to wait because you got there early. But, thanks to iPods, we were okay...oh, and little goofiness never hurts:
The verdict? Love it. The movie was done very well in every respect. I have heard some say that it is disturbing, and is, but that is kind of the point. It reminds us of the basest of human nature and how quickly we can turn on one another. I love how, through the protagonist (Katniss) and her friend, Peeta, we can see how they try to sort of "be in the world, but not of it" in a sense. How they are forced to play the game, but also keep their humanity through it all. We all face that challenge in some respects. Now, I can't wait for the next one!
It was also warm enough to break out the bikes. Our first order of bike business? Teaching JJ to ride without those cursed training wheels.
Another biggie - TJ finished her very last day in Primary. She turns 12 while we are in China, so when we get back it is time for Young Womens! What I was truly proud of was her receiving her Faith in God award from the Bishop. She worked very hard over the past 4 years to earn this award by completing many, many goals and projects in various areas, including memorizing all 13 Articles of Faith. Way to go, TJ!
She loves her necklace. I haven't been able to get a shot of her wearing it, yet, because we have been so busy since Sunday...but I plan to shoot one tonight at New Beginnings!
And, we discovered a new love. Rock Climbing! The girls (especially B, and BB) discovered that they have a HUGE talent for this sport. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw B scoot up that wall in less than 2 minutes. Scary good. They offer free rock climbing at the YMCA so I know we will be back.
Other than that, our time has been spent on finishing up work, finishing up packing, finishing up laundry, working on our callings, and spending time with the kiddos. B planned a brilliant FHE for one of her Faith In God goals including a fun game replicating when Nephi was commanded to build a ship. I was so impressed. It's fun to see the girls getting old enough to take on more in the family. I'm so proud of them.
As for me, I am loving my new calling as the Young Women's Secretary. I love the women I work with - getting to know them on a deeper level and being able to associate with the wonderful youth in our ward. They are awesome. Besides, organizing? Love it.
And as for my CFS? I have been feeling the same - no worse, no better - but I'm learning to accept that this might be how it is for me forever, and I'm sort of okay with it. At least for today. Ask me again tomorrow ;) I know that the Lord is in charge and all things are for my good. I at least have enough faith to trust Him in that. So, until next week (I hope I'll post once before our trip, besides FREE FRIDAY). Thanks for listening!

Dear Anonymous
I respect that you feel that way about the movie and can even see your point, however I will not address someone who isn't confident enough in their opinion to put their name to it. Express all you'd like, leave your name, and we can discuss. Until then, I hold to my policy of not publishing anonymous comments. Thanks.
Im totally pumped for the movie! We are FINALLY going tonight. I agree with your assessment of Katniss and Peetas plight.
So glad you have put some more 'life' posts up!
Anonymous also drives me nuts. I have had a few, and I figure if you dont have the guts to put your name on it, I feel bad for you, becasue you obviously have to spend your time online trying to bring other people down.
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