I had a fab reader and friend, Talia, ask about how to add a signature to the bottom of your posts. The answer is, you need to add the signature image to your post template so that it appears on every post. I am going to walk you through the steps to adding YOUR signature to your posts. It's very simple and it adds that nice personal touch to your posts.
1. First, you need to create your signature. This is how I did it. I opened Photoshop and clicked on "File>New" to create a new canvas to work on. I entered the following numbers into the fields. I always like to start out with a 300 ppi resolution, then resize to 72ppi afterward. So, just start out with these numbers and click "OK".
2. Select the TYPE tool (T) from your tools palette, choose a font and a color and then create your signature by typing your name. I like choosing a fun, handwritten type font. IF you have your own handwritten signature scanned or on your computer as an image, just open that up as an image in photoshop and skip this step of creating one.
3. Now that I have typed my name, I will flatten the image and click on "Image>Image Size" to resize the signature for the web. Just enter the numbers below. I changed the resolution to 72 ppi and adjusted the amounts to 160 pixels wide by 60 pixels high. You can change it to be any size you'd like, but I find that this is a nice size for a signature. Click OK and save it to your computer somewhere (I save mine to "My Pictures" usually)4. Now that you have created and saved your "signature", you will want to upload it to a photo hosting website like Photobucket. Just click the green "upload" button at the top of the screen and in seconds, your image will appear. If you hover your mouse over your signature image, you will see some different code options appear. You will want to copy the "HTML Code". Usually clicking once on the code box will automatically copy this code.
5. You can now open the back end of your blog and click on "Settings>Posts and Comments". There should be a box (empty) next to where it says "Post Template". You will want to paste that code that you copied from Photobucket into this box by clicking once in the box, then clicking "Ctrl+V". Your code should appear in the box like below, except it won't have the "
6. I added the code in the red brackets to center my signature on my posts. You can omit this code if you don't want your signature centered.
Okay, so now...when you open your Blog to start writing a new post, you should automatically see your signature there! Simply write your post above the signature as always, leaving the signature to appear at the end of your post.
I hope it's what you were looking for! I'd love to have you link to your blogs so I can see YOUR signatures!
Thank you SOOOO MUCH, Bobbi! Yes, it was super easy...I was on the right track, but your way is much simpler than the tutorial I had found. Thank you!!
This was so super helpful. I have always wondered about how to do that--but just hadn't gotten around to figuring it out yet. Thanks for sharing your expertise!
Thank you! This was a great tutorial!
I just posted about it on my blog.
Love and Blessings,
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