Yep, I'm feeling super happy! Why? 'Cause I'm on vacation, baby! WAHOO! That, AND it's Canada Day! Double WAHOO! SO, 'cause I'm feeling AWESOME, I thought it was fitting to share one of my new favorite quotes that just makes me happy to look at it. Time for all of us to get AWESOME! If you need a little boost somedays, this 4X6 printable should do the trick :) Have an AWESOME week and I'll be checking in!

That is the GREATEST quote!
Thank you very much Bobbi-Jo. I love this quote and I love the way that you made the printable. Time for an ETSY store? :)
This is a great blog! I love reading it and your very inspirational quotes to print were great for me. I love them so much. My Daddy just died and I really needed something to remind me it is going to be okay. I printed a couple today. The laughing one is so funny for me as my Mama always said the same thing...although she also added that it makes your eyes and nose red and you don't look pretty! She was a model for Chanel-LOL! Thank you very much! You are my angel for today!
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