
Still Kickin'

I feel bad I've been neglecting my "post" here at "It Works For Me" this week. In the last year I have been suffering from more frequent migraines and it seems like this past couple of weeks, if I'm not suffering from one, I'm fighting one off.  I feel like grabbing a hand saw and just getting rid of the problem all together. Wait, is it possible to blog while headless? Hmm.. might have reconsider that one.

Anyway, it's been hard to come up with tutorial ideas when thinking (period) makes my head swim. I promise I'll do right by you awesome readers. I haven done a few scrapbook pages that I am dying to share, and if you want to get a "Bobbi" fix (and who doesn't - ha!) you can still find me on Facebook and at HowDoesShe! if you have signed up at HowDoesShe, look in your inbox this next Tuesday for your bi-weekly newsletter and you'll be reading my words of wisdom (such as they are).

Have a great Thursday, and I'll be back in no time!


1 comment:

Lynn said...

Hugs! HOpe those headaches ease up!