
General Conference Packet

Do you have yours?

Sugardoodle is such a great resource for all things LDS, and I love their General Conference booklets for kids, tweens, and teens! It's an invaluable aide in helping your kids pay attention to Conference and get something out of it.

Come to think of it....

Maybe I'll download one for myself.

Sometimes, even though I am totally engrossed in the talks, as soon as they say "amen" I lose it. I mean, a lot of it. The teen packet might help me jot down notes from each speaker :)

Seriously, though, I am looking forward to Conference this year more than I have in a long, long time. It feels like I've been running on empty for a while. Feeling overwhelmed, overworked, over-tired, over IT. I need my semi-annual SUPER CHARGE!

I hope you all tune in, turn on, or take a seat at Conference. You can view the entire thing online at BYUTV or at LDS.ORG.

And I'll be seeing you on the flip side!


Sarah said...

"Somewhat Simple" has a really great set of sheets to print off for conference, too!


Jenn said...

Thank you Bobbi we have done this in years past, but I couldn't find one this year. You are the best!