
Evening at the "Ledge'

We had a grand evening at the Legislative building this past Saturday - affectionately known as "The Ledge" around these here parts. How quaint :)

But first - this little sight made my heart sing:

The hunkster hubby made a trip to a local fruit stand and hooked us up with some SWEET (very literally) fruit. Nectarines, Apricots, Plums, Strawberries - you name it, we ate it! Oh delish! I've never tasted such sweet nectarines EVAH! Oh, I love summer!

But back to the ledge:
Our kids love visiting this place, the 'castle' as they like to call it. The grounds are stunning - though in this shot, the flowers had barely been planted, just WAIT until the grounds are in full bloom! They love the pathways, the lake, the geese, all of it. I love the architecture!

We went originally for me to meet up with a client for a photoshoot. We did some waiting, but it never happened - can you tell the kids were bored?

BUT, I am never one to waste some gorgeous light, so I forced asked my family to be my subjects for a few quick shots. They screamed fought rolled their eyes were great sports about it :)

I even captured a new favorite pic during the struggle! I mean, come on - this light was awesome! And my B looked so sweet sitting on the bench. (you can click on the photos to see them larger - I resized quite a bit for the web)

TJ, as usual, was being a total card. She is turning into her father!
We had a nice walk, with only a few small melt downs, and made our way back to the van.

.... and we were happy.


B said...

That first one of the girls looking bored is eye catching. What a beautiful building, I love architecture like that.

Joanne said...

what a fun post, fun pictures and fun family! I like the one of the girls together with the 2 on the outside looking out!

Lynn said...

LOL! So fun you all are! LOVED the pics! Sure wish I had some of that fruit! Lucky you!