
Say Hello To My Little Friend!

I call him"Oscar" 'cause he's kinda grouchy
 Isn't he handsome? I've always had a thing for hairy legs.

 He lives by our front porch light, which is useful because when the light comes on, dinner flies right into his web of love..err..supper.

However, I'm not so into the hairy butt look

Still, he can work the stripes. I might just keep him.

However, his big brother who lives on our BACK porch... he's gotta go.



Andrea said...

gross. But great photos. But gross. And scary.

Letti said...

Its the perfect Halloween decoration!

Michelle said...


Mary said...

What lens did you use to take these spider photos Bobbi?


CASSIE said...

That was me... I just fainted :(
I HATE!!!!!!!!!!! Spiders...