Alas, it's true. My TJ is ten. Well, almost. Technically she isn't ten until Tuesday, but let's not nit pick.
How do you possibly celebrate 10 years of glorious living? With a hula party, that's how!!
You invite your BFF over, dress up in grass skirts, Leis, and tropical flowers in the hair...then you dance and giggle and dance some more!
Meet, miss K - one of TJ's BFFFFFFFs. I love seeing how well they get along, considering her mom and I were BFFFFFs as kids! It's like a weird version of deja vu. These 2 are like peas and carrots.
No one better to giggle and laugh with.
We started out the party making some friendship beaded bracelets. SO fun. I loved seeing how the girls different styles came out. They each made a gorgeous work of art. K and TJ even made bracelets for their mommies. Awwww....

Next came the music and hula dancing. THESE GIRLS CAN MOVE! Talk about shaking what their momma gave them! WOWEE!
Wait a minute... JJ isn't having any fun! No one wants to dance with her!
Big sister to the rescue! TJ is always very concerned about other's feelings, and is quick to nurture her little sisters. She will be an amazing mom someday.
Now, to introduce the dancers. Meet K. She is a somewhat reluctant dancer, but when that music hits, she can shake her groove thang! How could she NOT when she looks like she belongs on a Hawaiian beach?
Gorgeous, right?
Next, we have little miss Bayboo. She is one little five year old firecracker. Her signature moves are jumping, twirling, and perfect cartwheels. The faster the music, the better!
Just look at the mischief in those eyes :)
Now we come to gorgeous miss B. She is a fancy pants dancer. Graceful, smooth, elegant. She is our beautiful B!
Now, meet JJ. She is the class clown, in the best way. She can make everyone laugh until they are spitting milk out of their noses. Nice, right? She's cute... we'll keep her.
And finally...the birthday girl. She does her own version of the hula:
It's called "disco hula" and I hate to admit that she learned her sweet moves from her mother. I also lay claim to her good looks, too, though.
Dancing the hula works up quite the appetite. Nothing satisfies like a ginormous lollipop!
Not to mention they make for a great photo op!! Have I ever mentioned how much I adore COLOR?! And did I mention how the thought of actually EATING one of these suckers turns my stomach ;)
This year, TJ wanted cold hard cash for her birthday so she could save up for a DSi. She takes after her father in her saving habits. Money just burns a hole in my pocket. But TJ - she is patient and responsible.
Happy Happy girl! She received $20 from K, along with an adorable sketch notebook, pencils, and a HUGE eraser for those BIG mistakes!

Without missing a beat, she plops the bag on her head and moves along to her next gift. She is such a nut! I just love her hilarious personality. She makes me laugh every day, just like her dad :)
And another $20 from mom and dad, along with that adorable hat. She is well on her way to her DSi. Just another $100 or so. (oh boy....)
She's happy, though. And why not? She's $40 closer to her goal, now! I need some ideas of how she can earn more money. We can't afford to pay her much for allowance. Hmmm......
The rest of the day was spent hanging out with K, playing on her DS (which she wants to sell to her little sister, who wants it), then swimming at the 'Y', the back home for dinner. We had a Chocolate Euphoria cake (which lived up to it's name with dark chocolate cake and fudge buttercream in the middle) and some vanilla ice cream.
Now, how many boyfriends will she have?
And we are ALL happy about that :)
So, all in all - this party was a perfect 10. TJ started the day with her favorite birthday breakfast of eggs, waffles, sausages, cantaloupe, and orange juice. And we finished off the day with her favorite dinner - chicken, mashed potatoes, gravy, yorkshire pudding, corn, and salad. Yum! It was busy, but wonderful - and just perfect for TJ.
She is growing up faster than my heart can stand, but I love the relationship we have with each other. We trust each other, we laugh together, we talk. I know the hormones will kick in in a couple of years, but I'm treasuring this time. I want her to stay my sweet little girl forever, but even I can accept that she is maturing every day. I feel the weight of my responsibility of raising all daughters every day, knowing that I will be their primary example of how to be a daughter of God, and mother. It's the biggest challenge and the biggest source of joy in my life. I love being a mother. I can't wait to see what the NEXT ten years have in store!!!
Oh I LOVED this post! It was like we could be there with her to celebrate! HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY to a very beautiful young lady.....both inside and out. HER mamma taught her well. (Okay, you must of done something too Lyndon. ; D )
I loved reading about TJ's birthday and her whole day. Thanks for sharing and I love all the pictures!
That's so much fun! The girls sure are getting big. Tanner wants a DS and we haven't decided yet. A hula party sound so much fun. Why didn't anyone think of that when we were kids??? lol.
I'm glad she had a great day. Happy Birthday!
fab photos and fun as always Bobbi Jo you have very lucky kids!
SO FUN!!!!
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