
This is What I See...

Things I see when I look at these pictures:

1. I squint when I smile - my eyes almost disappear!

2. I eat when I'm stressed. I've been stressed a LOT lately. I've put on weight. I guess I eat because it feels like the one thing I can actually control. I've got to find something different to control when I'm feeling stressed out.

3. I've got the best little girls ever invented! They are sweet, caring, anxious to help, funny, tolerant, loving, goofy, spiritual, smart, and beautiful!

4. I've got the most beautiful man I've ever known as my husband - he is a beautiful person inside and out. He is generous, humble (yes, he actually is), hard working, spiritual, funny, smart, and best of all .... he loves ME!

5. I really, really like my denim jacket. And I really really like that it was $15 bucks!

6. I like my hair, but I think I want to cut it. I need a change.

7. I want to get my brows waxed by a professional. Has anyone done this? I've never had them shaped properly, but I think I'd like it.

8. I see the front door of the house I want to sell! I want to sell our house so we can move on with life. It's so hard living in limbo.

9. My 7 year old takes half decent photos! Good for you, T!

10. I like my skin. I think I've got nice skin. Lucky me!

Well, I'm sure there is more to see in these photos. I've got so many imperfections, it's hard not to name them one by one. Instead I'm trying to focus on my blessings - naming THEM one by one :)

It's funny, but when you go through, what I like to call, a "trial" period, it's really easy to focus on what ISN'T going right. I wrote on a friend's blog how during times of trial I find it harder and harder to get through the "I'm Thankful for.." parts of my prayers because I'm so anxious to get to the "Please bless me...." parts. But since I know that gratitude is essential, ESPECIALLY during hard times, I try to look for things to be grateful for - in the "details" of my life. It's amazing the many, many blessings that come to light. Things like - having a vehicle that runs well (for now), having a warm place to live and a comfy bed to sleep in, being healthy and free of disease, living close to the chapel so if we had to, we could walk to church! Having been taught to cook from scratch by my mother. It's been a blessing to be able to whip something up from nothing sometimes. I am grateful that the Lord has blessed my husband to come home safely from work every day, for my children to have been kept safe while at school, and for us at home to have been kept safe from things like theft, fire, or vandalism.

It's amazing the blessings that you can recognize if you are determined to seek for them :)


Joanne said...

those are beautiful pictures and yes I have had my brows waxed and it was cheap( under 10 dollars) and relatively painless and I would do it again and again. go for it! ps I thought your house was sold???

Itworksforbobbi said...

Who told you that??

Jenn said...

Your comments on my blog were my favorite I had to read them to my husband! Because all to often we do tend to think of all the good things that are just HAPPENING right. When really the greatest blessings are the ones that shape us. You have a very beautiful family! And I love your denim jacket too. And I thought that before I read that you loved it so much! ha ha!

Kristi said...

getting my eyebrows done is a real treat! I love the way they look- then they get all bushy again, and I go back- not often enough! makes me feel hmmm, fancy? sophisticated?

Katie said...

Bobbi - I LOVE your blog and can't wait to try your tutorials. thanks so much for taking the time to do that for us "just starting out" photographers! I just have no idea where you find the time to do it!