
Great Time At the Rodeo!

For the first time since living here (6 years) we took the kids to see the Agribition rodea. We were amazed by these teenage cowfolk (this was the high school rodeo) and how talented they were! We were all enthralled! Oh, and we were totally prepared with some cotton candy.
 The opening ceremony was beautiful to see - the Rodeo princesses carrying the Province's flag, along with others carrying various flags representing the different corporate sponsors.
 My favorite part of the opening ceremony was the carrying of our country's flag and the singing of our national anthem. Loved it! I'm one proud Canadian gal!
 The real action started right away - Bronco riding, barrel racing, and calf roping. It was such a blast.



megankp said...


I just wanted to say congrats on making the 2014 Creative Team!!

I found my way over here from Becky's Blog!

I also wanted to say hello because I am from Calgary, AB I've lived here my whole life, and it is so nice to see someone so close on the creative team! So way to go!


Mary said...

Beautiful photos as always. It looks as though you and your family had a wonderful day.

Mary from NH